Acoustic´s with fabric surface

Muffle acoustic wall panel

Muffle acoustic panels allow large and impressive sets or forms and colors. The product range consists of different sized and colorful products. Combining sizes and colors delivers tasty combinations.

Muffles are fabric-covered wall acoustics. Fabric covers round edges of the product. The upholstery makes it possible to use any fabrics.

Muffles are easy to install. Normally, only two screws at the same height are required for the wall. The daycare installation is carried out with four screws to ensure the product stays well in the place.

Muffle 56×56
Muffle 80×80
Muffle 80×28
Muffle 80×56
Muffle 80×80
Muffle 112×80
Big Muffle set

Transmutes are large, fabric-covered wall acoustics. Transmute’s maximum width is 120 cm, but its height can be chosen freely. Fabric covers straight edges of the product.

Tansmute wall panels at Music Academy
Still TK

The fabric-covered Still TK is a 45mm thick product with its edge cut straight and needing protection. The maximum size of a single panel is 1000×1600 mm, larger areas are made of several pieces. The pieces are installed in the butt groove side by side. Open edges need additional protection. The entity is framed in a protective hedge. In case Still TK is cut to special form factor, the edges are protected by a fabric ribbon.

Still TK is suitable for the use in the upper parts of the walls and in the ceiling, where its joints are virtually invisible and safely inaccessible. Our best reference is the Sibelius Academy concert hall which was converted to the use of the Chamber of the Finnish Parliament.


By May Stockholm designers Maria Bergström and Johanna Örn have designed this Aline Sound Absorbent. The heritage of Scandinavian design is always present in their design work and simplicity and quality of good design lasts in the long run. The pattern on the module creates a nice depth and gives character to the wall as well as sound reduction in the room. Depending on how the module is placed and selected colors a variety of patterns can be made.

Aline has got International recognition. It is  i-NOVO Awards 2018 Design Selection  by ArchiExpo.

New a bit smaller Aline is introduced with 100% wool fabrics only.

Aline 43×58
Aline with Wool 40×53
Aline TTK panel 100×132,5
Aline wool
Aline TTK